YPF Y-Vector

We supported YPF in migrating their online course repository system to a more modern infrastructure on AWS, which would help them handle high levels of traffic and avoid the downtimes experienced with their previous architecture. Once this initial goal was achieved, we started developing our own platform for online courses and a reference video library for their internal services and clients, which we named Y-Vector. Internal YPF clients such as YPF Ruta, YPF Agro, YPF Gas, etc., use this comprehensive platform to provide e-learning solutions among their employees and suppliers. The platform features a complete self-administration system that allows for managing all the site content. It enables modifications of all site texts, including sliders, as well as updating colors, logos, images, etc. Administrators can manage the elements displayed on the screen, change the order of the modules, etc. This gives the administrators complete control of the entire site without the need for advanced technical intervention.

Additionally, the system supports the embedding of interactive courses based on SCORM 2.0. It allows for including a complete video library that enables detailed reporting on which users watched the video, what parts they watched, and what parts they didn't finish watching, thereby building reports, issuing certifications and assessments, or computing the results of a survey or an exam taken by users who consume the site's content and take the courses.

You can find more information about this product at https://yvector.online.

You can see an implementation of this product at https://ypfruta.yvector.online.

Project details

  • Categoría: Development
  • Cliente: YPF
  • Lugar: Internacional
  • Lenguajes: Laravel, PHP, MySQL, AWS

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